30 Awesome Things To 3D Print Which Are Actually Useful

If you’ve just bought a 3D printer of you’re thinking of buying one, you’re probably just as excited as I was when I got mine running. Unfortunately, it can take a while to wade through the thousands of ornaments, figurines and trinkets available to find something you’d actually be interested in.

So instead of wasting you time and filament printing junk you don’t need, lets make something useful. After all, printing useful things makes it easier to justify your printer’s rather expensive existence to your significant other.

All of the print models are free and are available for download through the link provided by clicking on the image.

Here’s Our List Of 30 Awesome & Useful Things To 3D Print

Savings Piggy Bank

savings piggy bank

Sliding Door Bolt

sliding door bolt

Power Outlet Charging Shelf

wall power outlet charging shelf

Out Of Office Flip Sign

out of office flip sign

Labelled Door Knobs

labelled door knobs

Plastic Workshop Wrench

plastic workshop wrench

SD Card Storage Mountain

SD card storage mountain

One Handed Book Holder

one handed book holder

Earbud Holder

earbud holder

Caffeine Molecule Coffee Coaster

caffeine molecule coffee coaster

Shopping Bag Handle

shopping bag handle

Block Desk Calendar

block desk calendar

Automatic Coin Sorter

automatic coin sorter

Self Watering Planter

self watering planter

Fun Platform Jack

fun platform jack

We particularly like this model as it is all printed as a single model, already assembled!

Desktop Headphone Holder

headphone holder

Soap Dish

soap dish

Portal Book Stand

portal book stand

Bendy Desk Lamp

Bendy Desk Lamp

Macbook Pro Stand

macbook pro stand

Easy Bottle Opener & Closer

easy bottle opener and closer

Decorative Door Stop

decorative door stop

iPhone Charging Dock & Passive Speaker

iPhone charging dock and passive speaker

Cable Management Hive

cable management hive

AA To C Battery Adapter

AA to C battery adapter

Flash Drive Cryptex

flash drive cryptex

Shower Head

shower head

Quick Business Card Case

quick business card case

Secret Storage Shelf

secret storage shelf

Swiss Army Style Key Chain

swiss army style key chain

This list of 3d print models should keep you and your printer busy for quite a while, enjoy!

Have you printed anything else useful for the house which we haven’t listed? Leave us a comment below or send us your pictures to include, we’re always looking for new projects to try out.

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30 awesome things to 3d print pinterest

Cover Image: Printer By Luke Jones Used Under CC BY 2.0
Michael Klements
Michael Klements
Hi, my name is Michael and I started this blog in 2016 to share my DIY journey with you. I love tinkering with electronics, making, fixing, and building - I'm always looking for new projects and exciting DIY ideas. If you do too, grab a cup of coffee and settle in, I'm happy to have you here.


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