Raspberry Pi 5 Case With An Integrated Water-Cooling Loop

A while back, I built a water-cooled Raspberry Pi 4 computer using a Pi CM4 module and the official IO board. This computer and its water-cooling loop worked well but was quite bulky for a Raspberry Pi build, so I recently wondered how I could make it more compact.

Ultimate Raspberry Pi Computer Build – Water Cooled CM4 with NVMe SSD

One of the challenges with this type of build is that standard water cooling parts for computers are just way too big. Even the most compact pumps, reservoirs and cooling blocks are much larger than a Raspberry Pi. You can comfortably cool a whole cluster of Pis with a single water cooling kit for a full-size PC.

Water Cooled Raspberry Pi Cluster Being Tested

So we’ll need to use more unconventional hardware and in some cases, make our own parts.

Here’s my video of the build, read on for the write-up:

Parts Used To Build My Pi 5 Case With Integrated Water-Cooling

Equipment Used

Designing The Water-Cooling Case

I tried this water cooling kit for a Pi 5 earlier in the year and this kit has a nice waterblock design but the radiator and fan are overkill.

The acrylic top of this block got me thinking that maybe I can design a new top for the copper base that incorporates some of the tubing and perhaps even a reservoir which I can 3D print as an all-in-one design to make the whole water cooling loop a lot more compact.

Ice Pump Water Cooling Block

This way I only need to add a fan, radiator and pump to the case and the 3D print will take care of connecting them all together and will store the additional cooling liquid.

So I opened up Fusion360 and started modelling the components.

The design of this case was quite a long process – probably one of the most complicated ones that I’ve done. In the end, I settled on a design that has the Pi mounted vertically towards the back of the case, with cutouts for the ports out the back.

Whole Case Water Cooling Design

The Pi screws onto the cooling block through the side panel and on the opposite side is the reservoir with an integrated pump. On the front, we’ve got the radiator and fan. The cooling lines are all integrated into the print as far as possible with short flexible runs to the radiator.

Pi Installation At Back

I then went and added some design features to the case like a grill to cover the radiator, a top cover to install the pump through, some feet and a Pi logo on the side of the reservoir which I’m hoping will be a bit more visible with a contrasting coloured coolant.

Download The 3D Print Files

Pi Logo On Side Of Reservoir

3D Printing The Pi 5 Case

My first thought was to try to print the case out as a large single resin print so that the water cooling loop really is a part of the case. This turned out to be a bit of a mess. I couldn’t get good results with a transparent resin and such large overhanging areas. The print came out distorted and generally looked terrible.

I then tried printing the whole case on an FDM printer. This surprisingly holds water better than I expected it to, but you can’t actually see the coolant and under pressure tiny leaks form droplets along the seams and leak into the infill.

FDM Print Result

So, I abandoned the single large print idea and instead separated the tank, block and cooling lines from the case so that I could print each part on the printer best suited for that particular part.

Split Cooling Loop From Case

I printed the tank and block with its cover out first. I printed this in a smokey black transparent resin. This came out looking better than clear – mainly because the clear kept turning a weird shade of yellow when cured. The smokey black still provides some visibility into the tank and water cooling lines. After washing off the uncured resin, I put brass inserts into the print to mount components onto and then cured it under UV light.

I’m really happy with how this print turned out on its own.

Water Cooling Block And Reservoir

Next, we need the case and covers.

I printed the main body of the case in a dark blue sparkle PLA with white accents on the fan grill and top cover, and white feet. These will hopefully work well with the white coolant I plan to use in the reservoir.

3D Printing Other Case Components

These parts also came out well – well at least much better than the sad resin print looked.

Case Body Print

To finish these parts off, I just need to add some M2.5 threaded brass inserts to the main body of the case, which I’ll do with a soldering iron.

Installing Brass Inserts Into Case

Lastly, we need the side panels. Like with my other case designs, I went with clear acrylic for the side panels so that the internals are all visible. These are cut laser cut from a sheet of 2mm clear acrylic.

Laser Cutting Side Panels

Assembling The Water-Cooling Case

I’ll start by assembling the cooling loop. First, let’s add the copper heatsink to the cooling block. My design uses the same o-ring as the original, so we can just swap it over. I hope I’ve got the dimensions right on the o-ring so that this doesn’t become a leak point!

For the pump, I’m using a 5V submersible USB pump. I’ve cut the connector off and I’ve crimped DuPont connectors onto the wires to plug directly into the Pi’s GPIO pins for power.

5V Submersible Pump

The pump also needs a short section of flexible tubing to connect it to the outlet through the top of the reservoir. I’ve put a zip tie on the pump outlet because it felt a little loose.

We can then connect the radiator to the loop.

This also needs some flexible tubing but first I’m going to mount the fan onto it. This is a 60mm radiator and I’ve got a 60mm 5V fan to mount onto it.

Installing Fan On Radiator

Similar to the pump, I’ve crimped connectors onto the wires to plug it into the Pi’s GPIO pins.

Fan And Radiator

With the cooling loop mostly assembled, I’m going to give it a try before closing the reservoir and installing it into the case so that I can fix any issues with leaks or power while I still have easy access to it.

Completed Water Cooling Loop

With some water added to the loop and power being provided by a 5V supply, it doesn’t look like we have any major problems. I left this to run for half an hour just to be sure and I had to repair two tiny holes in the resin print.

We can then close the reservoir up. I’m using a couple of drops of hot glue for this so that it holds it in place enough that it doesn’t fall apart but not too much so that I can’t get it apart again if I need to access the pump.

Water Cooling Loop Ready For Installation

The whole assembly can then be put into the case. One screw holds the reservoir in place for now but this will be supported by a second when the side panel is installed.

Next, let’s mount the Pi to the assembly. I’ve plugged the fan into the Pi’s 3.3V and ground pins and the pump into the 5V and ground pins. I’ve left the cooling pads on the copper block in place and the Pi is secured to the cooling loop with four M2.5 screws through the bottom.

We can then finish the case off by installing the side panels and cover plates.

Installing Front Grill

I realised when installing the side panel on the Pi side that I was supposed to add some ventilation holes to this panel so the air from the radiator could escape after running over the Pi. So I added these in and cut a new side panel out.

Adding Ventilation Holes To Side Panel

I also made up some decals to stick on the opposite side.

Front Panel With White Decals

And that’s the case complete. Let’s fill the reservoir with coolant, boot it up and do some thermal tests on it.

Adding White Coolant To Cooling Loop

Testing The Water-Cooling Case’s Thermals

I used a utility called CPU Burn to put a full load onto all four CPU cores and logged the temperature over a half hour.

It runs much the same as the Pi does on my water-cooling stand. At idle, temperatures are around 28°C, after a minute and a half under full load, the temperature levels off at about 42°C and remained steady for the remainder of the test.

Water Cooling Case Test

If I overlay the results from my water cooling stand, you can see that the results are very similar. The temperature just spikes a bit fast on the cooling stand, I guess because the block has a bit less thermal mass.

Test Overlayed With DIY Stand Results

As expected, the water cooling system performs significantly better than the official Pi 5 Active Cooler, with a 25°C difference in steady-state temperature.

Comparison To Active Cooler Results

At the end of the test, with the CPU unloaded, the temperature drops back down to 28°C in about a minute and a half.

Temperature Drops Down Quickly Once Test Is Stopped

Final Thoughts On My Water Cooled Pi 5 Case

Overall I’m really happy with how this build came out. It took far longer than I expected it to, but I think it was worth it.

Raspberry Pi 5 Water Cooling Case

As usual, there is some room for improvement. My next iteration is going to include a power button for the Pi and allow some space underneath the Pi for an NVMe drive. I’d also like to secure the cooling loop to the case a bit better and improve upon the cable management.

Raspberry Pi 5 Compact Water Cooling Case

Let me know what you think of my water-cooled Pi 5 project in the comments section below or if there’s anything you think I should add to it.

Michael Klements
Michael Klements
Hi, my name is Michael and I started this blog in 2016 to share my DIY journey with you. I love tinkering with electronics, making, fixing, and building - I'm always looking for new projects and exciting DIY ideas. If you do too, grab a cup of coffee and settle in, I'm happy to have you here.



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