How To Choose The Right Floating Pond Fountain

Home owners decorate their property with various accessories to make it feel warmer and more visually appealing. From creating beautiful gardens and lawns, to decorating the interior of your home with accessories, there are several things you can do to add appeal and value to your homes. Adding a floating pond fountain is something that home owners can do to improve their landscaping appeal.

There are several types of floating pond fountains available for your home to provide not only aesthetic appeal, but also encourage aeration, circulation and add value to your home. Here are a few things to look out for when looking for the right one for your home.

If you’re looking to add an affordable pond to your garden, have a look at this great guide to Turn an Old Tyre into an Amazing Pond.

The Right Fountain for the Right Size Pond

Home owners might be under the wrong notion that a pond fountain can provide just the right amount of aeration for their pond. This does however depend on the size of the pond. In the case of larger ponds, a pond fountain would not be adequate to introduce enough oxygen into the water and circulate it. In these cases, a bottom aeration system would be a better option. For smaller ponds, the right kind of pond fountain can be perfect for both circulation and aeration.

It is an Economical Option

When choosing a pond fountain, you can opt for a fixed or a floating one. Floating ones turn out to be a better and more economical option. A floating one can be held in place with bricks, and moved around to different areas of your pond to create different effects or to aerate different areas. They are a lot easier to install and manage when compared to fixed ones and they consume less power, making them a cheaper alternative.

Choosing the Right Size for your Floating Pond Fountain

The very first thing you need to decide on is what kind of spray pattern or shape you would like the pond fountain to create, and how high you want the spray to be. It is important to get the right size pump and motor for the size of the pond. Depending on the height of the fountain and the shape you wish it to create, you can choose the motor and pump size as well as the model. Most manufacturers include some information on the pump size, fountain spray pattern and height on the product packaging or data sheet.

The second thing to decide on is whether you want to attach a light kit. Light kits turn your fountain into a spectacular night time garden feature. For residential areas, a 3 light kit is the best option, while a 6 light kit is preferred mostly for public installations.

The last thing you need to think about is where you want to place it. With a floating fountain, you can change its location as and when you wish. The location will determine how long your power cable will be and in some cases, how much piping you will need to the spray outlet. You also need to determine what type of power you will need for your particular use, some manufacturers offer solar and other renewable energy options.

These are some of the simple things to keep in mind when you are looking to buy a floating fountain for your home. There are several fountain types (have a look at these) you can opt for and you need to determine which pond fountain is the best for your home. The right choice for your home can increase its aesthetic appeal, increase its value and provide just the right kind of aeration and circulation needed to keep your pond thriving.

James Dean
James Dean
James Dean and has been very active in the home improvement industry. He has 5+ years of experience as a consultant and is looking for places to share his views, ideas and knowledge with people around the world.



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