Articles by

Michael Klements

Hi, my name is Michael and I started this blog in 2016 to share my DIY journey with you. I love tinkering with electronics, making, fixing, and building - I'm always looking for new projects and exciting DIY ideas. If you do too, grab a cup of coffee and settle in, I'm happy to have you here.

I Made A Keyboard For My Pi Using The xTool M1

The M1 is a new new product by xTool, a company that is already well-known in the...

My Raspberry Pi Case Now Has An M.2 SSD, and It’s Way Faster!

I've been using one of my Raspberry Pis in my case with a wrap-around acrylic panel for...

New ArduCam Time of Flight (ToF) Camera – Your Pi Can Now See In 3D

Today we're going to be taking a look at the new ArduCam Time of Flight (ToF) Camera....

Taking My Workshop Offgrid Using EcoFlow Power Kits

EcoFlow are a popular name amongst campers and adventurers for their portable power stations and solar generators....

Acrylic Pi Cases, Gweike Cloud Review – Can It Compete With The Glowforge?

If you've seen some of my other projects, I often use my K40 laser cutter to cut...

Raspberry Pi NAS vs. Asustor Drivestor 4, Is It Better to Buy or DIY?

My current file storage system is a bit of a mess. I save my current video editing...

How To Build A Raspberry Pi NAS Using Open Media Vault

This Raspberry Pi based NAS was built for my comparison with the Asustor Drivestor 4. Rather than...

I Upgraded My 3D Printed Speakers, Adding WiFi Streaming and AirPlay

I recently built a Bluetooth speaker for my workshop. It works quite well and I've been happy...